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ESL 1 with Conversation     


Students work on exercises to learn basic English grammar, including the simple present, present continuous, simple past, and simple future tenses.


Materials: The class uses Side by Side Plus 1 and its workbook.  

ESL 2 with Conversation


Students build on the basic grammar that they already know, plus work on helping verbs, phrasal verbs, the past continuous tense, and the future continuous tense.  


Materials: The class uses Side by Side Plus 2 and its workbook.  

ESL 3 with Conversation


Students build on the basic grammar that they already know, plus work on the present perfect and past perfect tenses.  

Materials: The class uses Side by Side Plus 3 and its workbook.

ESL 4 with Conversation


Students build on the basic grammar that they already know, plus work on the passive voice, conditionals, perfect modals, embedded questions, and reported speech.


Materials: The class uses Side by Side Plus 4 and its workbook.

ESL 5 with Conversation


Students speak about short readings, audios, and videos that are used in class.  The teacher helps students use correct grammar when they speak.


Materials: Varies by teacher

For any questions, please

call us at (818) 344 - 5055.

Tutoring / Personal Coaching


Work with an excellent teacher and focus on exactly what you want and need.


Materials: None


American Accent & Pronunciation


Students read high level articles aloud in a small group and everyone practices pronouncing phrases with difficult words in them. The teacher asks questions about the content and helps students individually as needed in a group setting. 


Materials: None



Students speak on many topics and the teacher helps them use correct grammar.  


Materials: None

ESL English classes English School Los Angeles Reseda Encino Tarzana Sanfernando Valley California USA
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